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  1. Consult your eye care professional for specific instructions related to your eye condition before using the lenses.

  2. Avoid using the lenses with any eye or vision-related medical conditions, such as corneal dystrophy, inflammation of the cornea or eye, any allergic condition, or pre-existing eye conditions.

  3. Wash and rinse your hands before touching the lenses.

  4. Check the lens for damage or debris before use; do not use if dry or damaged.

  5. Follow the prescribed wearing duration; avoid wearing them longer than recommended.

  6. Use a new, unexpired care solution for cleaning the lenses.

  7. Examine the received items and use lenses only if foil packs are intact.

  8. Rinse the lenses with contact lens solution after use.

  9. Do not share your lenses with others.

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